Rapp, PA House Health Committee to Begin Series of Hearings on Abortion, Pro-Life Issues

April 7, 2021

WHAT: PA House Health Committee Majority Chair Kathy Rapp (R-Warren/Crawford/Forest) will convene the first in a series of public hearings focusing on Abortion and Pro-Life Issues.

The topic for Thursday’s public hearing is Abortion, Part I - Statistics and Fetal Development.

“The unconscionable, soul-claiming tragedy that occurred at the Gosnell abortion facility in Philadelphia must never be repeated,” said Rapp. “Post-Gosnell, the general public needs to know that abortion providers are still largely self-reporting and not aggressively monitored by the PA Department of Health or any other government agency.”

In particular, Rapp is seeking answers regarding the PA Department of Health’s follow-up procedures for abortions performed on children ages 12 or under, and minors up to the age of 17. In all incidents involving the felony offense of rape, these follow-up procedures should include cooperating with law enforcement and issuing counseling referrals.

The House Health Committee maintains legislative oversight over abortion, abortion facilities and teen pregnancies. Additionally, the Health Committee is entrusted by the public to ensure that follow-up procedures and counseling referrals for children and minors actually take place.

The hearing will feature presentations from Keara Klinepeter, executive deputy secretary, PA Department of Health, Dr. Joseph Castelli, DO, Monica Ruberu, MD, Dr. Stacy Beck, Dr. Stephen Emery and Dr. Eric Hussar.

WHEN: Thursday, April 8, from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m.

: Room G-50, Irvis Office Building, Capitol Complex, Harrisburg.

LIVESTREAM: Barring technical difficulties, Thursday’s hearing will be streamed live on RepRapp.com.

Media contact: Ty McCauslin, 717.772.9979, tmccausl@pahousegop.com

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