District Map
This map represents the current boundaries of the legislative district.
Warren County
- Bear Lake Borough
- Brokenstraw Township
- Cherry Grove Township
- Clarendon Borough
- Columbus Township
- Conewango Township
- Deerfield Township
- Eldred Township
- Elk Township
- Farmington Township
- Freehold Township
- Glade Township
- Limestone Township
- Mead Township
- Pine Grove Township
- Pittsfield Township
- Pleasant Township
- Sheffield Township
- South West Township
- Spring Creek Township
- Sugar Grove Borough
- Sugar Grove Township
- Tidioute Borough
- Triumph Township
- Warren Central
- Warren East
- Warren North
- Warren South
- Warren Southeast
- Warren West
- Watson Township
- Youngsville Borough
Crawford County
- Athens Township
- Bloomfield Township
- Blooming Valley Borough
- Cambridge Springs Borough
- Cambridge Township
- Centerville Borough
- Cussewago Township
- Richmond Township
- Rockdale Township
- Saegertown Borough
- Sparta Township
- Spartansburg Borough
- Venango Borough
- Venango Township
- Woodcock Borough
- Woodcock Township
Forest County
- Barnett Township
- Green Township
- Harmony Township
- Hickory Township
- Howe Township Lynch
- Jenks Township
- Kinglsey Township
- Tionesta Borough
- Tionesta Township
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