Rapp, PA House Health Committee to Continue Series of Public Hearings on Pro-Life, Abortion Issues

April 20, 2021

WHAT: PA House Health Committee Majority Chair Kathy Rapp (R-Warren/Crawford/Forest) will convene the next in a series of public hearings focusing on Pro-Life, Abortion - Part II – Providers and Alternatives.

The hearing will feature presentations from Amy Scheuring, executive director, Women’s Choice Network; Melissa Reed, president and CEO, Planned Parenthood Keystone; Dr. Sarah Gutman, obstetrics and gynecology, affiliated with the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania; and Genevieve Plaster, deputy director, policy and administration, Lozier Institute.

“Today’s abortion-on-demand movement has succeeded in transforming what once was declared as the destruction of innocent human life into a fiercely defended constitutional right,” said Rapp. “However, Planned Parenthood’s ruthlessly compelling marketing and fundraising activities fail to conceal the reality that the biggest potential threat to Roe vs. Wade may be the growing number of physicians, surgeons, nurses and other highly skilled medical professionals who are no longer willing to perform genocidal abortion procedures.”
The House Health Committee maintains legislative oversight over abortion, abortion facilities and teen pregnancies.

WHEN: Wednesday, April 21, from 8 a.m. until 11 a.m.

WHERE: Room G-50, Irvis Office Building, Capitol Complex, Harrisburg.

LIVESTREAM: Barring technical difficulties, Wednesday’s hearing will be streamed live on RepRapp.com.
Media contact: Ty McCauslin, 717.772.9979, tmccausl@pahousegop.com

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