Rapp, PA House Health Committee to Seek Answers on University of Pittsburgh’s Involvement in Taxpayer-Funded Experiments on Live-Aborted Babies

May 4, 2021

WHAT: PA House Health Committee Majority Chair Kathy Rapp (R-Warren/Crawford/Forest) will convene the fourth in a series of public hearings focusing on Pro-Life, Abortion Issues – Part IV – Fetal Experimentation.

Tuesday’s hearing will feature testimony regarding recent reports of University of Pittsburgh scientists and faculty being deeply involved in taxpayer-funded experiments with aborted baby parts, including Planned Parenthood of Western PA supplying aborted baby parts for the university’s tissue bank. Additional published reports implicate Pitt scientists and faculty for harvesting body parts from intact fetuses.

The hearing will feature presentations from Dr. Kathi Aultman, OB/GYN, Charlotte Lozier Institute Associate Scholar; Jeremy Rich, MD, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine; Henry T. Greely, Stanford University Professor of Law, Steering Committee Chair, Center for Biomedical Ethics; and David Daleiden, Center for Medical Progress.

The House Health Committee maintains legislative oversight over abortion, abortion facilities and teen pregnancy policies.

WHEN: Tuesday, May 4, beginning at 8:30 a.m.

WHERE: Room G-50, Irvis Office Building, Capitol Complex, Harrisburg.

LIVESTREAM: Barring technical difficulties, Tuesday’s hearing will be streamed live on RepRapp.com/livestreams.
Media contact: Ty McCauslin, 717.772.9979, tmccausl@pahousegop.com

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